Monday, June 8, 2009

Blogging on....

Have been playing around with RSS feeds and agree that it is a good way to have the latest information about anything of interest at one's fingertips. I like the way it packages up 'interest' areas and comes up with amazing 'stuff'. It is a good way to get up-to-date news and I can see why many newspaper conglomerates around the world are in trouble with falling sales. Check out the latest feed on the 10 top scientific breakthroughs - mind you I am not all science although you may be forgiven to think so. I am also interested into alternate therapies and cooking nutritious vegetarian food


  1. heh, and it can make it almost impossible to start working at the beginning of the day - my tip is to ignore the RSS feed until you've done at least *one* constructive thing :)

  2. Hi there,
    one could read feeds all day and never get anything done... botheredbybees has good advice here.... by the way,thanks for your comment on my blog about my picture.
    I need now to find out how to share items like you did... I am impressed!
