Monday, July 27, 2009

Week 9: Teachertube, etc.

Have used videos from Youtube on many occasions as some snippets are very good (of course others are not so good but I applaud the people who at least had a go at making them)
Teachertube I knew nothing about and have now 'surfed' around and found an overwhelming amount of information - much like Youtube really!!!
Find Youtube videos easy to download but Teachertube videos are a bit tricky - followed instructions but have, so far, been unable to get any onto my blog. Will have to keep at it and see what I am doing wrong! Anyway have done the next best thing - a web site for one of these videos:
Podcasts - have heard about these but have never gone any further - who knows may do in the future!

1 comment:

  1. sweet (in an icky, this-is-in-your-body sort of way). To put the video into a blog post you need to click on the 'edit html' tab at the top of the edit window for the post, then copy and paste in the code from the 'embeddable player' text box on teacherTube and save the post.
